punkbuster bf3

-----LEIA A BAIXO----- Canal Designer: http://www.youtube.com/invispagfx Twitter: http://twitter.com/Invispa_Oficial Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/canalinvispao... Steam: InvispaG Origin: NeVeR-InViSpAyT Site: www.paraseuandro.blogspot.com Link PunkBu

相關軟體 PunkBuster 下載

PunkBuster the original Anti-Cheat system for online multiplayer games. Real-time scanning of memory by PB Client on players' computers searching for known hacks/cheats Throttled two-tiered back...

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  • 2014年9月24日 - Several times I reinstalled PunkBuster. Several times re-install BF3 and Ori...
    PunkBuster pls hepl - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • Our approach, technology, and experience have made PunkBuster the top-tier anti-cheat solu...
    PunkBuster proudly features: - Even Balance, Inc. - PunkBuster Online Countermeasures
  • Welcome to Even Balance, Inc., home of the PunkBuster anti-cheat system. ... PunkBuster Su...
    Even Balance, Inc. - PunkBuster Online Countermeasures
  • 解決PBSetup無法新增Battlefield 3的問題 - 發表於 PunkBuster 反作弊程式: 前幾天BF3上市解鎖之後 發現PBSetup一直無法把BF3加進列表裡 ...
    解決PBSetup無法新增Battlefield 3的問題 - PunkBuster 反作弊程式 - 戰地秘境
  • *PnkBstrA , PnkBstrB 位於 C:\Users\你的使用者名字 \AppData\Local\PunkBuster&#92...
    【心得】BF3 問題解決方法大全 2012 4月5日 更新 @戰地風雲 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
  • 更新Punkbuster後還是一樣 將BF3內的PB 資料夾刪除後再重灌也是一樣 直接執行BF3內的PBSVC作TEST SERVICE,最後的結果也是without error ...
    戰地風雲 - BF3一直被PB給踢出來 - 遊戲討論區 - Mobile01
  • -----LEIA A BAIXO----- Canal Designer: http://www.youtube.com/invispagfx Twitter: http://t...
    Como resolver erro do PunkBuster Kicked for PunkBuster Battlefield 3 - YouTube
  • Why does Punkbuster kick me when I join BF3 servers? up vote 17 down vote favorite 3 I enj...
    battlefield 3 - Why does Punkbuster kick me when I join BF3 servers? - Arqade
  • Anti-cheat community offering full support for PunkBuster enabled games including a global...
    PBBans | Always Quality over Quantity
  • 嘗試開始您的遊戲時,如果您看到錯誤訊息說您的Punkbuster過期或未安裝: 找到《戰地風雲4》安裝資料夾,預設是C:\Program Files (x86)\O...
    Battlefield 4 - 《戰地風雲4》Punkbuster疑難排解
  • read our technical bf3 fixes - Click here Gameplay tutorials Let us help you with the game...
    Battlelog - Battlefield 3 Tutorials: Update Punkbuster manual
  • 2012年3月21日 - 把PnkBstrA , PnkBstrB, Battlefield 3, 戰地風雲3 加入防火牆的例外程式*PnkBstrA ... 你的使用者名字Ap...
    【心得】BF3 問題解決方法大全2012 4月5日更新@戰地風雲哈啦板- 巴哈姆特 ...
  • 2013年7月3日 - Before you begin: PunkBuster is not an EA-made program. It is developed by Ev...
    Punkbuster - Technic - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • PunkBuster or Disconecting problem. FIX Try playing on a server that has PunkBuster OFF to...
    PunkBuster FIX - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • I have just bought the game today and install it. When i join any server it always a meass...
    Punkbuster kicked pl - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • 2013年2月24日 - I'm getting a kick out of the servers and a error ''Game disconn...
    Game disconnected: y - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • 2012年1月28日 - Try playing on a server that has PunkBuster OFF to see if it's PunkBuste...
    PunkBuster or Discon - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • 更新Punkbuster後還是一樣 將BF3內的PB資料夾刪除後再重灌也是一樣 直接執行BF3內的PBSVC作TEST SERVICE,最後的結果也是without error
    戰地風雲- BF3一直被PB給踢出來- 遊戲討論區- Mobile01
  • 2014年9月24日 - Several times I reinstalled PunkBuster. Several times re-install BF3 and Ori...
    PunkBuster pls hepl - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  • Our approach, technology, and experience have made PunkBuster the top-tier anti-cheat solu...
    PunkBuster proudly features: - Even Balance, Inc. - PunkBuster Online Countermeasures